About Us

Providing a strong Christian Education to nurture the whole child and instill a lifelong love of learning
The central purpose of Pisgah Childcare Ministries is to provide the preschool age children of our church and our community with a strong Christian education in a loving and nurturing environment. Since our preschool is a mission of Pisgah ARP Church, we exist to Reach Out in love to these preschoolers and their families.
Our goal is to help our students develop spiritually, intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically. We want to help our preschool children grow as whole people made in the image of God. Therefore, the spiritual, mental, and emotional growth of each child is encouraged and nurtured through a variety of experiences in and out of the classroom. The preschool’s curriculum emphasizes social skills, citizenship, and self-esteem.
We love learning, living and playing.
Our Values

Our preschool strives to instill a love of learning in each child. We do so through a curriculum designed to build self-esteem, stimulate curiosity and encourage creativity. With these tools, it is our hope that our teachings will help children leave our preschool ready to learn their entire lives long. We use a child-centered approach so that our preschoolers can thrive.

Using a number of various experiences, we hope to help develop each child as a whole person made in the image of God. Our preschool students experience and learn about the world through faith, art, music, science, motor development, language experience, math, and special visitors. Additionally, we have several trips per year to local farms, museums, libraries, and parks.

Young children learn best through play. While a well-rounded curriculum is of utmost importance, we know preschoolers need specified time for free-choice play and outside play. This develops social skills as they interact with each other and with the teachers. Additionally, play fosters imagination and creativity which are essential tools for them to grow.
Meet the teachers
Experts in giving your children best start

Lead teacher and 1-2 year olds

Teacher: 2-3 year olds

Teacher: 3-4 year olds