Frequently Asked Questions


In anticipation for some of the questions regarding the program, the following is an FAQ about the process of going full time over the next few months.

When does the full time program begin?

Our official start date with the State of North Carolina is January 22nd 2024. On that date, we will begin assembling classes based on indicated interest on our wait list. Once we have a qualified teacher employed for that class, the class will begin. Part of this process is a state background check conducted by the NC Bureau of Investigation, and so part of the teacher qualification process is in their hands and on their clock. Rest assured, we are excited to start these classes and will do so as early as we can.

When will the part-time program end?

The part-time program will officially end on May 31st, 2024. In order for our full-time program to function financially, we are no longer going to be offering the part-time program or part-time pricing.

What is the cost of the new program?

The new costs are determined based on the age of the child and are as follows based on age:

Infants: $215/wk

Age 1: $210/wk

Age 2: $205/wk

Age 3 & 4: $195/wk

A $75 registration fee is required of all new students. Those currently enrolled in our part-time program have already paid their registration fee for this school year.

(These figures are being subjected to final approval by the church on 1/9, but we are confident that these numbers will be close-to, if not exactly, the initial tuition rates)

Will there be scholarships or discounts?

To assist families with more than one child enrolled, we offer sibling discounts on tuition fees after the firstborn child. The firstborn child pays the full tuition rate, with a 10% discount applied to the second, third, and any additional children enrolled.

What if there aren’t enough students for my child’s age group?

Our administration and leadership are working to make sure that we can comply with state guidelines and make payroll for our teachers. Classes will be assembled as it is deemed economically feasible within the rules for compliance. The official age of the class is determined by the youngest child in the class based on the student to teacher ratio enforced by the state. As our program transitions from part-time to full-time and the classes grow there may be an occasion where there is a spot for certain children to be in class with younger children temporarily if there is space available according to those ratios set by the state.

When is the public going to be able to indicate interest and be put on the list for potential enrollment?

Pisgah Childcare Ministries is taking interest from the public currently. However, currently enrolled students are being given priority access to the full-time spots until February 23rd, 2024. At that date, the priority will be on a “first come, first served” basis. So, if you want a spot in the full-time program please let us know ASAP!

What are the plans for food during the day?

The schedule for food will be for children to have a Breakfast Snack, Lunch, and an Afternoon Snack. There will be paperwork for parents to indicate any dietary needs or restrictions for their children and to request the option of sending food from home if needed. There will be separate guidelines for bottle-feeding as well.